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Case Study: The Workaholic

A hardworking husband spending long hours at the office seems legit, right? That is what our client thought too.

The Situation

The client, BL, was discussing her divorce proceedings with her attorney. BL felt her husband was “the most boring person on earth”. He was a wealthy man who was completely consumed by the business he had built. She was positive he was not having an affair and had come to terms that she simply didn’t love him anymore and she wanted to move on.

BL was considering the settlement her husband had proposed but her attorney cautioned her – because of their marital assets, it would be smart to look into any possible infidelities. BL reluctantly agreed to the investigation and felt it would only show her husband consumed with his business.

The Investigation

His interest was more than just his company – his “interest” extended to his employees. It was verified that he was having an affair with a female executive at his company.

BL’s husband spent an entire weekend with the female executive at an expensive ski resort. Hawk PI obtained video of the two entering and exiting the same room, documenting overnight stays and irrefutable evidence of public displays of affection. Further investigations revealed that the female executive was also married with three children.

BL was astonished! She wanted the investigation to continue.

Apparently different business trips require different companions. Her husband had another business trip to New York and he met with yet another woman at the airport. Over the five days in New York, Hawk PI investigators were able to obtain photographic proof of the affair including a little PDA. After a little more research into this woman, she, too, was an employee of his company.

BL was angry. She was furious. She was embarrassed she had been fooled and wondered how many times over their 27-year marriage he had committed adultery.

A Generous Offer

With the guidance of her attorney and using leverage provided by the investigations, the husband made a much more generous offer than the original settlement. When confronted with the evidence of the two affairs, the husband knew that it could get worse: investigations into other past activities, both affairs finding out about each other and that it could spiral to their spouses and children.

With the proof from the evidence and support from the attorney and private investigations team, BL was able to finalize the divorce with a generous settlement and move forward building her new life.

Learn more: DivorcePeople SearchSurveillance
The details of this case study have been modified to protect confidentiality including identities, locations and any other recognizable information. Case studies and any description of matters are not intended as legal advice and should not be used that way.
Case studies and testimonials do not guarantee similar results. You should speak with Hawk PI about the specific details of your case.


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