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Hackable Keyboards and Mice

You can now add non-bluetooth wireless keyboards and mice to your list of “hackables”.

Bastille, a cybersecurity research company, recently discovered two vulnerabilities affecting wireless, non-Bluetooth keyboards and mice. These vulnerabilities could allow hackers to eavesdrop on your keystrokes and expose your sensitive data including credit card and banking information, social security number and passwords.

Devices susceptible to the newly termed “mousejack” and “keysniffer” techniques are wireless and connected to the computer through a USB-port dongle (see above). For keyboards, the brands included in this vulnerability are: Anker, EagleTec, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Insignia, Kensington, Radio Shack, Toshiba and Microsoft. For mice, the brands are AmazonBasics, Dell, Gigabyte, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, Logitech and Microsoft.

Bastille recommends switching to either a Bluetooth or wired device to protect yourself against these vulnerabilities.








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